Probe Reveals New Black Panther Ties to Hezbollah
NM Ranked First In Solar Power Per Capita
NM Ranked First In Solar Power Per Capita
Marathon Runner Micah True Found Dead
Marathon Runner Micah True Found Dead
The "Luevano Incident"
Consider N.M. House District # 16 candidate Johnny Luevano who just finished a twenty year career in the U.S. Marine Corps. In doing so, he, like all others who serve in the military, essentially surrendered his freedom of movement. It was up to his commanding officers in the Marines to decide where his temporary residences would be. Whenever and wherever the Marines wanted Luevano to go, it was his sworn duty to go there.

Several years ago Luevano could see the end of his military career approaching. Accordingly, he purchased a building lot in House District # 16 in Albuquerque. In recent years, while paying taxes on his permanent residential lot, he made plans to build his post military career residence there. Construction of the new home began in 2011.
Luevano voted his entire active duty career as a New Mexico resident. Recently he was stationed in Tucson, Arizona. On January 1, 2012, Luevano’s retirement from active duty became official. And also early in 2012, the Luevano family began the joyful process of packing their belongings in anticipation of a move to a long awaited and well-deseved permanent residence. As luck would have it, construction and permitting delays at the city of Albuquerque kept the family move to the permanent residence in limbo until March. And then suddenly, all hell broke loose.
Progress Now New Mexico, a partisan radical fringe group made a huge media splash when it falsely accused Luevano of casting his final active duty vote illegally. Preposterously, the progressives demanded a "criminal" investigation.
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Johnny Luevano |
With the unemployment rate for returning veterans at somewhere between 20 and 30%, and all of the seemingly heartfelt “Support the Troops” efforts made in our society, the “Luevano Incident” seems to have finally put all sense of shame and decency to rest. What people will do now days to hold on to political power is simply remarkable. American citizens who claim to “Support our Troops” should come from all over the nation and defend the rights of Johnny Luevano to serve his country and when he finishes, run for elected office.

The "Luevano Incident"
Only One Blasting Cap Away From Tyranny
More than anything else, the language used in the Bill of Rights provides protection against the worst elements of human nature. In breaking away from King George III, Americans were unwilling to give government an inch, because instinctively our founders knew it would try to take a mile. They knew why they fought and they knew what was won.
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Ruth Bader Ginsburg |
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Elena Kagan |
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Sonia Sotomayor |
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John Paul Stevens |

Only One Blasting Cap Away From Tyranny
A Republican — yes a Republican — runs for state House of Reps in same district as Sheryl Williams Stapleton
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Erica Landry |
A Republican — yes a Republican — runs for state House of Reps in same district as Sheryl Williams Stapleton
Maestas Has Two Chances to Win, Luevano One
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Antonio "Moe" Maestas |
Under the veneer of technicalities, the questions facing the courts are all about the rights of active duty military servants. Luevano has been an active duty Marine until he recently retired. He has owned the property in question and paid taxes on it for several years while serving in the military and moving from one assignment to another in various places. Expecting to move into his newly built Albuquerque-area home months ago, the bureaucracy at the City of Albuquerque dragged its feet in issuing the final occupancy permit to Luevano. Coincidentally just a few days AFTER the official residency deadline, Luevano did receive his final permit. The question of Luevano's eligibility was immediately put before Bernalillo County Clerk Maggie Toulouse Oliver by progressive political activists earlier this month. Their efforts to throw the election to Maestas failed when Toulouse Oliver made the decision to certify Luevano’s candidacy and put him on the ballot.
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Johnny Luevano |

Maestas Has Two Chances to Win, Luevano One
Facts Not Critical to Sierra Club Approach

The problem with the press release is there is NO ground or surface water contamination downstream from the plant and coal mine that originates from coal ash or other sources at the plant or coal mine. In fact, the settlement agreement does not require any change in the way coal is mined or handled. It also does not require any change in how coal ash is managed at the plant or placed at the coal mine. Placement of coal ash at the mine is already required by the state as part of the mine reclamation procedures. Coal ash is not regulated as a hazardous, or “toxic,” waste. And the system the companies are installing is only a “capture” system. There is no requirement that any of the water captured in the system be treated in any respect.
Despite all the bluster of the radicals in the Sierra Club, the power plants are in compliance with federal and state permits and the plant in San Juan County undergoes regular, rigorous inspection by state and federal regulators. As a result of the latest $320 million environmental upgrade at San Juan which was completed in 2009, the San Juan Generating Station became an industry leader in mercury emissions control. It has achieved a 99 percent mercury removal rate based on EPA-required stack testing and exceeds the EPA’s recently implemented mercury removal standards. Additionally, PNM scrubs 100% of the flue gas from each of the four units in the four corners area and also uses state-of-the-art technology to remove 99 percent of the particulate matter (or “soot”) in the flue gas.
In completely mischaracterizing the nature of the settlement, it appears that pining for more donations is remains the primary objective of the Sierra Club. The release also said, “PNM ought to invest in creating energy from clean sources like solar panels, instead of continuing to expose our air, water and land to toxic pollution from coal.”
Always on the offensive, what the Sierra Club failed to mention is that under mandates passed during the Richardson administration, PNM already has significant investments in renewable energy programs. In fact, PNM entered the renewable arena long before renewable energy mandates existed.

Facts Not Critical to Sierra Club Approach
Kilmer refocuses energy into Mark Twain project
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Val Kilmer |
Kilmer refocuses energy into Mark Twain project
NM Green Party and NM Constitution Party File Lawsuit
NM Green Party and NM Constitution Party File Lawsuit
Donald Rumsfeld Endorses Rick Newton
Donald Rumsfeld Endorses Rick Newton
Sunland Park's Mayor Elect Seeks Help of Supreme Court
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Daniel Salinas |
Sunland Park's Mayor Elect Seeks Help of Supreme Court
NM Town Requires $100k Insurance Policy for Pit Bulls
NM Town Requires $100k Insurance Policy for Pit Bulls
Albuquerque police union to end shooting payments

Albuquerque police union to end shooting payments
Affordable Care Act bad for NM, worse for US
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Dr. Deane Waldman |
Affordable Care Act bad for NM, worse for US
Obamacare Increased Insurance Premiums
Obamacare Increased Insurance Premiums
Spaceport Board Approves $7M Runway
Spaceport Board Approves $7M Runway
Irrigation Season Starts in Southern N.M.
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Elephant Butte Dam |
Irrigation Season Starts in Southern N.M.
SIC financial adviser under fire for Earthstone/Growstone investments
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Leonard Lee Rawson |
SIC financial adviser under fire for Earthstone/Growstone investments
Parents of Murdered Students Criticize President Obama
Parents of Murdered Students Criticize President Obama
Ruidoso stews over wildlife feeding ban

Ruidoso stews over wildlife feeding ban
Ski Apache to close season early; last run is Sunday
Ski Apache to close season early; last run is Sunday
The Science of Half-Baked Ideas
The Science of Half-Baked Ideas
Swickard: Oh those Econ 101 deniers

Swickard: Oh those Econ 101 deniers
Cornyn Offers Amendment to Block Lizard Listing
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has delayed until this summer a final decision on whether to list the lizard. Cornyn and congressional representatives from several other states had sent letters to the agency and Interior Secretary Ken Salazar asking for the delay.
Cornyn Offers Amendment to Block Lizard Listing
Will Obama Return $1.6 Million Raised by Spike Lee?
Will Obama Return $1.6 Million Raised by Spike Lee?
Jerome Block Jr. Gets Probation
Jerome Block Jr. Gets Probation
Judge Weighs Release of Deming Gun Defendant
Judge Weighs Release of Deming Gun Defendant