NAACP Asking UN to Condemn U.S. Voter ID Laws
Posted by
Rachel Pulaski
on Friday, March 9, 2012
International News,
New Mexico News,
U.S. Politics
From -Riled by state-level voting law changes that it alleges are designed to suppress “the political participation of people of color, the poor, the elderly, and the young,” the NAACP is turning to the U.N. Human Rights Council for support. National Association for the Advancement of Colored People president Benjamin Jealous and other association representatives plan to visit Geneva next week to address the HRC, a forum that frequently witnesses clashes between Western democracies and repressive states. The NAACP delegation hopes the HRC will take up its concerns about legal initiatives such as voter ID laws passed by more than a dozen states, which proponents say are designed to prevent voter fraud but the NAACP charges are part of an orchestrated campaign to disenfranchise minority groups. More News New Mexico
Isn't anyone curious as to why this group of immigrants does NOT want to become American citizens..or why there are 3rd generation Hispanic immigrants who do not speak any English?
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