From - Albuquerque voters will now decide whether the city should spend $50 million on the Paseo Del Norte and I-25 construction project. Monday night during a special meeting, Albuquerque City Councilors Isaac Benton, Debbie O'Malley and Rey Garduno blocked the city council from deciding the funding issue itself, and instead sent it to voters. Councilors said residents will vote in November. But the city's Chief Administrative Office bashed the councilors. Rob Perry said the delay cost the city a big federal grant. "Unfortunately the ugly face of politics here in New Mexico, we've all seen, and we have three councilors that are going to cost the city taxpayers about ten million dollars," Perry told KOB Eyewitness News 4 after the vote. Councilor Benton called Perry's comments "ridiculous." He said federal leaders won't base the grant money on the council's decision. And some councilors think they will still get the money. Benton said while he supports the project, he doesn't like that money is coming from gross receipts taxes, saying they support city services. He thinks city services will suffer. Read more
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