Despite getting a letter from ABQ Uptown management, threatening to be arrested, protestors still gathered at the shopping center to voice their anger.
"Activists" Protest Apple Stores in the Duke City
Posted by
Jim Spence
on Sunday, July 15, 2012
KOB - An Albuquerque teacher risked being arrested in order to make her voice heard. Jeanne Pahls and a group of residents spent Saturday morning at ABQ Uptown. They weren’t shopping; instead they protested the Apple Store.
“I've gone to AppleCare, I've gone to the supervisor of this store and they all blew me off," said Pahls. She is one frustrated customer. She and others took their complaints against Apple, to its only store in Albuquerque. "It bothers me when big corporations take advantage of working people," said Charles Powell of Albuquerque. Pahls is an Albuquerque teacher and an outspoken activist. She says this situation started when a student stole her iPhone. "When I went to Apple to help with this, they told me the phone wasn't registered and they blew me off. It turns out they had sold me a used phone," she said. More police arrived at ABQ Uptown when Pahls refused to get off the private property. "I'm going to stand here. I'll be arrested if I have to," she said. Others joined in her fight. They also accuse Apple of corporate greed, exploiting workers and not paying their fair taxes. (NewsNM note - Apple paid $8,283,000,000 in income taxes last year) Read full story here: News New Mexico
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