NewsNM comment (Spence) CNBC ranked states for ease to do business. New Mexico was ranked near the back of the pack (36th out of 50) states for business in 2012. Our bordering neighbors rankings were as follows: Texas (1) Utah (2) Colorado (8) Arizona (22) Oklahoma (23). Despite efforts by Democrats in the House and Senate to thwart most efforts by Susana Martinez to move New Mexico up the business friendly rankings, our state still managed to rise from a ranking of 43rd when she became governor in 2011.
CNBC - Texas has done it again. The Lone Star State makes a triumphant return as America’s Top State for Business—its third time at the top of our rankings.
"Listen, there is a reason that Caterpillar moved their hydraulics manufacturing and their engine manufacturing to the state of Texas," said Gov. Rick Perry in November during the CNBC Republican presidential debate.
Each year, we score all 50 states on the criteria they use to sell themselves. This year’s analysis is the most comprehensive yet, using 51 metrics developed with the help of the National Association of Manufacturers and the Council on Competitiveness, as well as input from the states themselves. This year’s categories and possible point totals are:
Cost of Doing Business (350) Workforce (350)
Quality of Life (350)
Economy (325) Education (225)
Technology and Innovation (225)
Business Friendliness (200)
Access to Capital (100)
Cost of Living (50)
This year’s study comes amid slowly improving fortunes for the states. Read full story here: News New Mexico
No state income tax, right to work state and a legislative body that possess the collective intellect to understand the importance of developing energy resources. New Mexico? Are you serious? The environmentalists here would have us pulling wooden carts if they had their way. Is it any wonder that such a rich state in natural energy resources has high unemployment and so many low paying jobs? The voters here have a "Chiwawita" mentality when it comes to developing a vision of the future. Is it any wonder our kids grow up and move away? What's here for them with these small thinkers guiding the future of our state? Keep voting Democrat and we'll keep getting the same thing here in New Mexico...poverty sprinkled in with the individual success of those who have found a way to adapt to a legislative majority who clamor for government handouts and make public policy that keeps the people dependent upon government.
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