Commentary by Michael Swickard, Ph.D. - Who was tallest, shortest, spoke Chinese to his wife and which president put indoor plumbing in the White House? I love presidential history. Not just trivia, but the way presidents think. Therein has been a problem with Barack Obama because there was so much I did not know about him. And, not much of what he did as president made any sense, until now. Dinesh D’Souza has a new book out: Obama’s America: unmaking the American Dream. From the book D’Souza produced a documentary in theatres: 2016: Obama’s America. The movie is a visual image of the themes of the book. When I first heard of the project I had five related questions:
1) Does the research seem valid with appropriate questions relatively free of bias?2) What are the facts about President Obama?
3) What rumors are untrue about the President?
4) How is President Obama like and unlike the other U.S. Presidents?
5) What intellectual compass does the president use for his decisions?
Some have eagerly embraced the book and movie while others would not touch either without a gun to their head. Several people told me angrily that this is just more Republican lies. Not surprisingly when I ask if they have they seen it, they say “No.” Others say they believe every word of it, though they also have not seen it. There are many Americans who already have made up their mind about Barack Obama. All they look for is confirmation of their beliefs about him. Luckily there are plenty of other people who just want to know the truth. This group is where D’Souza aimed his project because he felt that certain parts of the Obama story were missing and the media was not going to even admit these parts were missing. Read column
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