But with the government shutdown, parts of that booming industry have been forced to a halt. The problem lies with the BLM, the agency responsible for processing drilling permits and authorizing businesses to drill on federal land. BLM officials say with the government shut down oil and gas companies can't get their drilling applications approved, which means new operations will be put on hold. The application process is a lengthy one even when the government is in full force.
"Our applications to drill for new locations have been taking about four to six months for processing time, and at this point with them shut down that will be extended whatever the length of the shutdown is," said Miller.
That means any oil and gas company looking to set up a rig and drill a new well can't. The federal shutdown is also affecting companies' abilities to transport their products. The BLM says they've furloughed all of their employees except for essential maintenance personnel. Drilling permits will not be authorized until the rest of those employees are back at work. More
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