Only a fool believes that anyone elected to any office is going to do what they promised. It was just something said to get votes. I am very frustrated with our political class in Congress. They help themselves but not the citizens. Yes there are a few treasures who do what they say but they are always outvoted by the scum.
Americans are looking in the eyes of our politicians and it is not a pretty sight. What we see is a sea of broken promises. We sent our representatives to Washington to make a federal budget but it has not happened for the last five years.
Why? Because everyone is playing a political game of “I win and you lose.” That means very little of constructive value is done because someone has to lose for someone else to win. Win-lose is the mantra of dictators who win at the expense of others.
We do not have to believe politicians, but even better we do not have to reelect them. We do have to quit just voting one party. One bumper sticker said, “Never reelect anyone.” Bingo! Read full column
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