U.S. District Judge William P. Johnson also ordered Estrada to perform 100 hours of community service and pay a $10,000 fine. Estrada pleaded guilty in June to stealing the governor's emails, sending them to her political opponents then lying to the FBI about it.
According to case files, emails sent from Martinez and her supporters were sent to one of Estrada's computer accounts instead of the people they were meant to be sent to during the 2010 gubernatorial campaign.
Estrada briefly served as campaign manager in 2009, as Martinez was beginning her bid for governor. According to the June plea agreement, Estrada changed the settings for the domain to direct all incoming email to an email account he controlled so that the emails were routed to him instead of the intended recipients. From July 2011 through June 2012, Estrada intercepted hundreds of email messages intended for recipients at the Domain, including the Governor. The intercepted emails included personal emails, internal political communications and emails from ordinary citizens to the Governor or her staff. In his plea agreement, Estrada admitted sharing the emails he unlawfully intercepted with the Governor’s political opponents to disseminate the emails to news media and other outlets.
Some of the electronic messages were leaked to Martinez critics, who publicly released them. More
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