Democrat Talking Heads Privately Diss Obama

No one would mistake Brad Blakeman for a Democrat. He is a former Bush White House aide who appears regularly on Fox News and other outlets as a Republican strategist. Yet Democrats are so disgusted with President Obama that when they shmooze with Blakeman in the green room before TV appearances, they diss the president. “They say how arrogant and disconnected Obama and his staff are,” Blakeman tells Newsmax. “They say that he refuses to take advice and basically demands that they toe his line no matter what.” If Democratic talking heads are disgusted with Obama, so are voters. “People aren’t buying the sales pitches,” Blakeman says. “They don’t like what he is selling. They have been burned by the product, and now they are looking elsewhere.”
Ironically, “The most dejected people are Democrats because they feel that they have been let down by the guy whom they thought was going to solve all of the problems,” Blakeman says. “The people who’ve supported this guy the most are the ones hurting the most — young people and the inner city urban population, where unemployment is 20 percent.” Obama’s solution to the widespread disenchantment with him has been to demonize rich people, the tea party movement, the Bush administration, and Fox News. Yet, in a Politico/George Washington University poll, 42 percent of respondents said Fox News is their main source of information about the upcoming election, compared with 30 percent who cited CNN and 12 percent who rely on MSNBC. Read more here:



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