DLCC: GOP Using the Recession for Radical Social Agenda
Posted by
Jim Spence
on Friday, May 6, 2011
U.S. Politics
The Democratic Legislative Committee has been sending out a mailer recently referencing a survey of its "readers." Here is an excerpt of the cover email: The economy and job creation are still the top legislative priority of our readers in every region of the country, but workers’ rights has become a defining issue unto itself. Support for equal rights and environmental protection also saw major spikes in support. And our supporters overwhelmingly believe that Republicans are using the recession as an excuse to pursue a radical social agenda – while ignoring their 2010 campaign promise to focus on jobs. Part of our mission at the DLCC is to make sure Democratic voters have a voice in their state legislatures, and we were honored to help so many of you make your voices heard. To see the full results for each issue, including a comprehensive regional breakdown click here: News New Mexico
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