From the
ocregister.com -More than 1,000 of the most influential and loyal Orange County Republicans got two very different messages from their out-of-town speakers at the party's signature Flag Day dinner this week. One served them the red meat that those who idealize an Eisenhower-era party want to believe is a path to success, making his point by reaching back to blame early-20th century Ivy League Marxists for our nation's woes. The other speaker showed the GOPers the way they could actually succeed, making her points by using 21st century reality in the Western U.S. Whittle frequently tells audiences he has to leave California to find America. (He modified that for O.C., saying he had to leave L.A.) Martinez realizes California and its growing Latino population is the new America, that Latinos are going to usually register as Democrats and California Republicans had better figure out how to speak to them on their terms. The appearance of Martinez, who followed Whittle, was important for two reasons: 1) she demonstrated to those enamored with Sarah Palin or Michele Bachmann what an electable future Republican presidential candidate sounds like; and 2) she articulated why bashing the Democratic Party is counterproductive for Republicans. More
News New Mexico

Martinez Knows How to Beat Dems
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