Pat Garrett was a real life hero who was honored and respected while Billy the Kid is a myth made up in the 1926 book by Walter Noble Burns. It is an insult to the Garrett family when people celebrate a myth and forget the real story. Over the last 30 years I write a yearly column because I feel we should not celebrate an outlaw scum, who rustled cattle, stole horses and killed unarmed people.Consider this: a celebration of Pat Garrett would get national attention and, even more importantly, send the correct message about gangs and outlaws to our children. It is true that Garrett had rough edges as did many people in those days. He was no saint, though comparing Garrett to the Kid is like comparing Charlie Sheen to Charles Manson. One is a bad boy while the other is a monster.In August each year there is the Lincoln Days Celebration in Lincoln County celebrating Billy the Kid. Each year I do not go celebrate an outlaw thug. Instead, I bore my friends and acquaintances with Garrett stories. Each year I bend every elbow and ear I can find by pushing the idea of New Mexico Pat Garrett Days in Las Cruces and at the same time to give tourists to our fair state a choice of who they want to celebrate. Read more
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