THE DEGREE - Both Heinrich and Balderas are college educated and so is former Rep. Heather Wilson who is seeking the GOP Senate nod. But her challenger, Lt Gov. John Sanchez, did not attend college. How rare would it be for a person without a college degree to win a US Senate seat? Take a look:About one in four of the nearly 7,400 elected representatives across the country do not possess a four-year college degree, according to a report released Sunday evening by The Chronicle of Higher Education in Washington. That compares with 6 percent of members of Congress, and 72 percent of adults nationwide, said the report, which is based primarily on the officials’ self-reported biographical information....Only 6 percent of congressmen and senators have no college degree, so a Senator Sanchez--sans a degree--would be a member of a rather exclusive club within a 100 member exclusive club. Read more
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