Russell: Medicare and Circuses

Brigette Russell
Capitol Report New Mexico - The front page of Monday’s Santa Fe New Mexican featured the headline,“ ‘Ryan Plan’ for Medicare is GOP’s Catch-22.” In the story, Steve Terrell discussed the difficult task Republican candidates for New Mexico’s Senate seat face in negotiating this political minefield. They have before them the cautionary tale of the May 24 special election in New York’s 26th Congressional District, where Democrat Kathy Hochul defeated Republican Jane Corwin by making the Ryan plan her central issue. One could argue that Corwin was handicapped because the Republican she was hoping to replace was Chris Lee, who lost his seat after losing his shirt for an embarrassing photo sent to a woman on Craigslist. That, of course, should have been a cautionary tale for Anthony Weiner, but I digress. Read full column here: News New Mexico


Anonymous said...

Democrats will run on Medi-Scare and the people will likely vote for them even though the democrats HAVE NO SOLUTION except to kick the can just a little further down the road and demagogue any concept that changes it from going bankrupt to solvent. This is the leadership we're stuck with on the left. No ideas...just whining and making medicare insolvent in exchange for one more round of votes and power. Where's Obama's plan? Tax the rich? Social justice? If you're reading this and you're unemployed, keep voting for Obamas and see how many job opportunities open up for you.

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