Capitol Report New Mexico.com - If you thought the debt ceiling debate was nasty, what happened in Washington was a picnic compared to the hand-to-hand combat that the state of Wisconsin has gone through in recent months. After Republican Gov.
Scott Walker passed laws scaling back the power of public employee unions in the Dairy State in order to help balance the state budget, angry Democrats have put on a full-court press to regain control of the state legislature by recalling six Republican lawmakers. In a rare August election held Tuesday (Aug. 9), turnout was remarkably high and after spending millions of dollars, it looks like the Democrats fell just short.Republicans won four of the six recall elections as the tight results kept poltical junkies in Wisconsin up well past midnight. From the
Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel: Democrats won two state Senate seats in Tuesday’s historic recall elections, but failed to capture a third seat that would have given them control of the chamber. By keeping a majority in the Senate, Republicans retained their monopoly on state government because they also hold the Assembly and governor’s office. Tuesday’s elections narrowed their majority – at least for now – from 19-14 to a razor-thin 17-16. Republicans may be able to gain back some of the losses next week, when two Democrats face recall elections.
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Wisconsin Democrats fall short in recall effort … $263 per vote?
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