Some of this new tax revenue will be used to offset New Mexico’s pennies-on-the-dollar contribution to the cost of the new coverage (the state must pay only about 4 percent of the cost, while the feds pick up the rest), but most of the new tax revenue generated by federal health-care reform will be money that New Mexico’s Legislature and local governments can spend to meet the specific needs of their constituents by creating new programs, funding existing programs like education and public safety, forestalling future tax increases, or even reducing taxes.
PPACA will bring new federal funds into New Mexico in a number of ways. Beginning in 2014, Medicaid will expand to cover all low-income New Mexicans under age 65. The New Mexico Human Services Department projects that by 2020 New Mexico will have added between 133,000 and 183,000 new Medicaid enrollees, primarily adults previously unable to afford health insurance.
Also during that period, between $6 billion and $8 billion in new federal Medicaid funds will flow into the health-care sector, creating thousands of new high-wage jobs and reverberating throughout the state economy in the form of increased economic activity and employment. Read full column here: News New Mexico
No the feds DO NOT pick up the rest. Tell the truth. We the People who work and slave and bleed and die pick up the rest. The feds have to enslave those of us who do the job in order to give anything to those who do not. The federal government has no legitimate or constitutional authority to take from one person and give to another. The Fifth Amendment requires that the feds gives just compensation for ALL takings of private property, that includes taxes. When the fed takes money in taxes from one person and gives that money in welfare or other aid, the fed is not providing just compensation back to the payee. Slavery is an abomination but those who want socialized healthcare are willing to enslave those who take responsibility and pay their own way. If the government givers like it so much, they can pay for it out of their own pockets and stay out of other people's.
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