Group Petitions EPA Over NM Air Quality
Posted by
Rachel Pulaski
on Wednesday, November 2, 2011
National News,
New Mexico News,
U.S. Politics
From -An environmental group has petitioned the federal government to reduce air pollutants in eight western states. WildEarth Guardians says that by law, the Environmental Protection Agency has to designate areas as "nonattainment" areas if they violate certain air-quality standards and put them on the path to cleaning up. The group's petition contends 15 areas should be labeled nonattainment areas for violating standards limiting particulate matter to less than 10 microns in diameter, or about one-seventh the width of a human hair. It said the EPA should declare six other areas "serious" nonattainment areas. WildEarth Guardians also wants the EPA to call for Arizona, Colorado, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Utah and Wyoming to revise their state plans for complying with the Clean Air Act. More News New Mexico
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