Bloomberg Reporter Either Uninformed or a Liar

Meera Louis
It has been widely reported in the news that U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner says “paralysis” in the U.S. political system has worsened the nation’s economic challenges. The problem with the media is there are too many journalists who are either terribly uninformed or worse yet unrepentant liars. A case in point is an article posted by Bloomberg. It purports to explain from U.S. Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner's view what part of the problem with the U.S. economy is. That is fine and dandy until this phrase is presented as "news."
"Republicans rejected President Barack Obama’s $3.8 trillion election-year budget plan, saying it didn’t go far enough to reduce the deficit or boost economic growth. Obama’s proposed budget, while initially boosting the U.S. economy, would later this decade become a drag on growth, the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office said April 20."
The truth is both DEMOCRATS and Republicans REJECTED the president's budget. In fact, the aforementioned budget submitted by President Obama did not garner a single vote from a Democrat in the U.S. House of Representatives earlier this year when it was defeated 411 - 0. Of course, last year in a vote in U.S. Senate, President Obama's budget was defeated 97 - 0. Again it did not garner a single vote from a DEMOCRAT. Bloomberg news writer Meera Louis is one of two things, 1) a completely uninformed journalist without a clue as to how to gather and  present ALL relevant facts, or 2) a bald-faced partisan liar who could toss aside all sense of honesty and simply report what Geithner said about paralysis, without pointing out that in the last two votes on the president's budget, he has not picked up a single vote from EITHER PARTY in either house of Congress and has lost by a count of 508 - 0.
To make it seem through omission and fact massaging that only Republicans rejected the Obama budget is the sort of reporting that usually goes completely unchallenged every day in America and in New Mexico.



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