From NM Politics.net - A new poll conducted for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee shows U.S. Rep. Harry Teague, D-N.M., pulling away from GOP challenger Steve Pearce in what has been one of the hottest House races in the nation. The two have been neck and neck in polling released over the last few months, but the new poll has Teague leading by 7 points – 51 percent to 44 percent – and over the magical 50-percent mark. The survey of 400 likely voters, conducted Tuesday-Thursday, has a margin of error of plus or minus 4.9 percentage points, according to a DCCC news release. It was conducted by Anzalone Liszt Research. “The more New Mexicans are reminded of the Steve Pearce record – backing the economic policies that drove our economy into the ditch, like protecting tax loopholes that encourage companies to ship American jobs overseas, support for privatizing Social Security and Medicare, and ripping the safety net out from underneath New Mexico seniors – the less they like what they find,” Andy Stone, western regional press secretary for the DCCC, said in a news release. “As this poll shows, voters understand that Steve Pearce is wrong for New Mexico.” Read more
Talk about intentionally dishonest. Those ads aren't by Teague by the Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund. The law forbids candidates from coordinating with outside groups in electoral strategy, therefore Teague had no input in this ad.
Plus, the story you link to says the ads are a mixture of true and false.
I know its hard to carry that Bush-era Republican's water, but at least try to do it without lying yourself.
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