Chicago Now Blog - Illegal immigrants are scrambling to gain identification documents since the State of Arizona has implemented Illegal Immigration legislation. As illegals have begun to flee Arizona for fear of being caught, they have set their sights on three specific states that allow them to get licenses without proof of citizenship or residency.Those three states are: Washington, New Mexico and Utah. Washington State and New Mexico have been magnet states for fraudulent document brokers, human traffickers and alien smugglers for years according to Brian Zimmer, president of the Coalition for a Secure Driver's License. The group is a nonprofit research group in Washington D.C.. Officials in New Mexico deny the claim. While Republican lawmakers, in those states, have pushed for tighter laws in recent years they have been thwarted by Democrats. Associated Press analysis of data from these three states show that there has been a 60% increase in licenses issued to illegal immigrants, in the 10 weeks immediately following Arizona's Immigration Legislation. Some other results of the AP analysis:* New Mexico issued 10,257 licenses to immigrants through the first six months of 2010, compared with 13,481 for all of 2009. The pace has intensified since April, when neighboring Arizona passed its immigration law.
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Three States Offer Driver Licenses To Illegal Immigrants & Terrorists?
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