From GOPUSA The Loft by Bobby Eberle - With time ticking away until Election Day, the Democrats find themselves facing the perfect storm. Voters have had enough "hope and change," and they are now hoping for a new change. Tax cuts for all. It seems like such a simple concept... let people keep more of their own money, because it is THEIR money. The government should not be in the business of deciding who gets more to spend or what group or activity is "worthy" of a tax cut. The conservative approach is to cut taxes for all, and yet this week we are hearing word that the House Republican leadership may "compromise" and let some of the Bush tax cuts expire. In other words, leaders like John Boehner are considering "compromising" by raising taxes on some Americans. This is NOT conservative, and it is NOT the way to go. First of all, we aren't talking about additional, new "tax cuts."
We are talking about taking the tax rates as they have existed for years and RAISING THEM. There are not tax cuts here.If the Bush rates expire than those effected will see their taxes go up! The argument is about tax hikes not tax cuts. And second, those 3 percent of people affected by the upper income rates own 50 percent of small businesses. If we want hiring and jobs to come back, that last thing we should be doing is raising taxes.
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There is only ONE way to cut taxes
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