Rick Newton |
Capitol Report New Mexico - Rick Newton is new to this political campaigning thing. Maybe that’s why he’s not afraid to talk about an issue most politicians avoid as electoral poison — reforming Social Security. “I’m proud to say that I’ve never run for office,” the 64-year-old from Taos told Capitol Report New Mexico during an interview, adding, ”I’ll agree to be a congressman here for six years but that’s about it.” So whether it’s out of conviction or political naïvete, the retired engineer, physicist and small businessman who has officially tossed his hat into the ring to run as a Republican in Congressional District 3 for the seat in the US House of Representatives currently held by Democrat Ben Ray Luján offers a dramatic proposal when it comes to Social Security and the national debt. “I have a lot of experience in business and a lot of different disciplines like oil and gas and mining and defense,” Newton said, “and I felt that this is a time where my background matches up perfectly with the problems that we are facing today or that we may be facing just around the corner.” So what’s Newton’s plan? Read full story here:
News New Mexico

Rick Newton Tackles Social Security
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