U.S. poverty is best understood when it is put into the context of all living human beings. There are now more than seven billion people living on the planet. In 2009 the federal poverty line for annual income in America was $11,161 for a single individual. Being at the poverty line in America does not suggest “middle class” status. The poverty line is a level considered to just short of “destitution.”
Compare and contrast America’s poverty line with the median income of all 7 billion people on planet earth. To be part of the global middle class one must earn about $7,000 per year. This means a person of average means throughout the world takes in $4,000 less per year than Americans considered to be eligible for all government benefits due to their deeply “impoverished” circumstances.
We can infer, when the status of ALL human beings is taken into account, that the 99% of Americans who are glibly referred to as the “downtrodden,” by the Occupy Wall Street crowd, are far better off than the world’s middle class. And most of America’s 99% actually qualify as the wealthiest 1% of all people living on planet earth.
A few questions seem appropriate. Are these "occupy" protestors ignorant of their relatively lofty position in the world of living standards? Are they truly interested in their fellow man? Or are they spoiled class warfare zealots who live in a country where the poorest of the poor live far better than average people all around the world? Some people point to income data in the U.S. Census and try to make the case for economic “unfairness” in America. Forget the U.S. census. Americans live in a global economy. The global census data regarding living conditions and income levels is the only survey that is relevant. A quick survey of the world proves to anyone paying attention that if more taxing of the "rich" was such a great idea, or even a more “fair” economic plan, then all the countless nations with higher tax rates and lower living standards than the U.S. have some serious explaining to do. Margaret Thatcher said the problem with socialism is simple......pretty soon you run out of other people’s money. And those who try in one breath to say capitalism works, but then suggest more socialism is the key to improving living standards, are socialists trying to cloak themselves as capitalists. Fair is fair.

One does not require all desires to be met, only one's needs.
You can have anything you want. You just cannot have EVERYTHING you want.
Too bad these people haven't learned the 10th commandment. In trying to keep up with the Joneses, these people are in violation of God's law.
Oh, well, that means Heaven won't be so crowded.
The OWS protest is more about leftists recognizing that Obama is likely headed to the unemployment line. They whine about Wall Street bailouts. Ok, fair enough. However, the man who bailed out Wall Street resides at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington D.C. Why are the protesters in New York? The American people do live in a global economy. The income numbers reflected in the research of this news article are both factual and very revealing. However, the points OWS protesters are attempting to articulate are ludicrously absent any factual or material foundation for their disingenuous assertions. We've all seen a number of interviews of these protesters on national TV networks. I have yet to hear a single protester relate the income disparity between themselves and the TRULY less fortunate that live outside the U.S. What's up with that? I thought these people were truly concerned about their fellow man. You mean they're NOT actually? What it gets down to is this; our economy is in dire straits due to the incompetence and the ideological stubbornness of this administration. All indications are that Obama promises Americans more of the same. The left recognizes that groups like the Tea Party have had enough misery and are well organized to throw Mr. Obama out of office. Consequently, the left is doing some organizing of their own. Hence, the muffled and ambiguous message from the OWS protest. Yesterdays election results reflect two messages from the folks who vote. Governor John Kasich found out that the people aren't left or right, they're in the middle. His law to completely stifle collective bargaining rights was reversed. Once again, government overreach was rejected. At the same time, the people of Ohio said, "NO", to Obama's health care law and voted to opt out. Both sides will claim victory and spin yesterdays results to make their side look better. However, the true victors were the voters.
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